PG Entrance Test
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PG Entrance Test

PG Entrance Test

100 marks
Each question carry 2 marks

Reading comprehension
The scientific method
The basic scientific method includes the steps scientists use and follow when trying to solve a problem or prove or disprove a theory. The methods are used by scientists all over the world. This is done so scientists can work together to solve some of the same problems.
There are usually five steps which are a part of the scientific method. The steps can occur in any order, but the first step is usually observation. An observation is the use of one or more of the five senses, which include seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. The five senses are used to learn about or identify an event or object the scientist wants to study. For example, while observing a spider a scientist may observe the pattern or size of the spider's web.
The second step of the scientific method is the question being researched, the hypothesis. It is the question that is turned into a statement about an event or object the scientist would like to research. A good hypothesis includes three things: The explanation for the observations, it is able to be tested by other scientists, and it will usually predict new outcomes or conclusions. The scientist observing the spider building the web may have a question about the strength of the web. An example of the hypothesis might be: The larger the spider, the stronger the web. This hypothesis includes the explanation for the observation, it can be tested, and new conclusions may be reached.
The third step of the scientific method is the experiment. An experiment is a test which will either challenge or support the hypothesis. The hypothesis will then be true or false. Using the spider hypothesis, a scientist may experiment by measuring spider webs in relation to a spider's size. Often, even when a hypothesis is disproved much can still be learned during the experiment. For example, while measuring the strength of spider webs the scientist may discover something new about them.
The final step in the scientific method is the conclusion. The conclusion will either clearly support the hypothesis or it will not. If the results support the hypothesis a conclusion can be written. If it does not support the hypothesis, the scientist may choose to change the hypothesis or write a new one based on what was learned during the experiment. In the example, if the scientist proves that larger spiders build stronger webs, then that is the conclusion. If it was not proven, the scientist may change the hypothesis to: The size of a spider does has no bearing on the strength of its web

1 / 3

Which of the following is the best example of a hypothesis?

2 / 3

Which of the steps in the scientific method would a scientist use for seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting?

3 / 3

Which of the following is the best definition of the scientific method?

Your score is

The average score is 17%


Mr. Saurabh Punde

Assistant Professor

Qualification: B.Com, MCM, MCA, MBA (Marketing).

Experience: 4 Years.

Research publication till the date (in number):  2

Position held at level: Senior Supervisor ( University )

Workshop Attended:  2 ( State ) |  2 ( International )

Conference Attended:  2 ( State ) |  2 ( International )

Published:  1 ( National ) |  1 ( International )

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • C Programming
  • Core Java
  • Dot Net Technologies
  • Software Engineering
  • Project Management

Mrs. Anisha Mahindrakar

Assistant Professor (Commerce)

IQAC Co-ordinator

Qualification: MBA (Finance) M.Com (Accounting and Taxation), Ph.D. (Pursuing).

Experience: 6 Years.

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject: Engineering Mathematics

Position held at Level: IQAC Co-ordinator  | Senior Supervisor (University) | Examiner  (University)

Research publication till the date (in number): 3

Workshop Attended: 1 ( National )

Conference Attended: 1 ( Interational )

Paper Published: 1 (State) | 1 (National) | 1 (International)


Mrs. Supriya R. Gaikwad

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Sc ( Computer Science )

Experience: 5 Year’s

Research publication till the date (in number): 2

Position held at level :  Examiner ( University ) | External Examiner ( University ) |  Asst. Senior Supervisor ( University )

Workshop Attended: 1 ( State ) | 1 ( National )

Seminar Attended: 1 ( State ) | 1 ( National )

Paper Published: 2 ( State ) | 2 ( National )

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • C
  • C++
  • Core Java
  • Adv Java
  • Data Structures
  • Theoretical Computer Science

Mrs Pranoti D. Shewalkar

Assistant Professor

Qualification : M.A(Marathi), M.Lib

Experience: 9 Years.

Research publication till the date (in number): 1

Workshop Attended: 1 ( State )

Paper Published: 1 ( State )

Dr. Mahesh Deshpande

HOD(Computer Science)

Qualification: B.E ,PGDBM, MBS, Ph.D.

Experience: 15 Years.

Research publication till the date (in number): 16

Position held at level: Examiner ( University ) | Senior Supervisor ( University ) | Flying Squad Member ( University )

Workshop Attended:  2 ( State )  | 10 ( National ) | 2 ( International )

Conference Attended: 2 ( State )  | 4 ( National ) | 2 ( International )

Seminar Attended: 4 ( State )  | 2 ( National ) | 2 ( International )

Conference Paper Presented: 4 ( State )  | 2 ( National ) | 2 ( International )

Seminar Paper Presented: 4 ( State )  | 4 ( National ) | 2 ( International )

Paper Published:  4 ( State )  | 8 ( National ) | 4 ( International )

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • Network Technology
  • Project Management


Mr. Prakash Tukaram Raut

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Sc (Computer Science), Ph.D (Pursuing)

Experience: 7 Years.

Research publication till the date (in number): 4

Position held at level: Examiner (University)  |  Senior Supervisor (University)

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • System Programming & Operating System
  • Operating System Concept
  • Software Testing
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithm (DAA)

Workshop Attended: 5 (State) | 1  (National) | 1 (International)

Conference Attended: 1 (National)

Seminar Attended:  1 (National)

Paper Published:  3 ( National )  |  3 (International)

Mrs. Jyoti Jadhav HOD (BBA-CA), Assistant Professor

Qualification: BCA, MCA(Management).

Experience: 9 Years.

Research publication till the date (in number): 5

Position held at level: Examiner ( University ) | Senior Supervisor ( University ) | NSS Officer ( University )

Workshop Attended:   4 (State)  | 2  ( National )

Conference Attended: 2  ( National )

Seminar Attended: 03(State)  | 2  ( National )

Paper Published: 3 (State)  | 1  ( National | 1  ( International )

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • C programming
  • C++
  • Core Java
  • Advanced Java
  • Data Structure Using ‘c’

Miss. Supriya Alhat

Assistant Professor (Commerce)

Qualification:  M.Com, M.Phil

Experience: 5 Months

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • Business Communication

Mr. Sonawane Mahendra Kailas

Vice-Principal (BA |

Qualification: M.A, ECO, (SET) B.P.ED,Ph.D(Pursing)

Experience: 15 Years

Research publication till the date (in number): 25

Position held at level: University (All Duty’s)

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • Banking and Finance
  • Indian Economy

Workshop Attended: 2 ( State ) | 4 ( National ) | 2 ( International )

Conference Attended: 6 ( State ) | 4 ( National ) | 1 ( International )

Seminar Attended:  4 ( State ) | 2 ( National )

Paper Presented: 25

Conference Paper Pres: 2 ( State ) | 4 ( National ) | 6 ( International )

Seminar Paper Presented: 1 ( State ) | 7 ( National ) | 5 ( International )

Paper Published:  3 ( State ) | 11 ( National ) | 11 ( International )

Mrs. Priyanka Ananda Mali

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.C.A(Management)

Experience: 2 Years.

Research publication till the date (in number): 2

Position held at level : Examiner ( University )

Workshop Attended: 2 ( State )

Seminar Attended:   1  ( State )

Paper Published:  2 ( State )

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • – C
  • – C++
  • – Java
  • -HTML

Mrs. Sheetal Raut

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Com, M.Phil(Commerce)

Experience: 5 Years

Research publication till the date (in number): nil

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • Principle of Finance
  • Basic of cost Accounting
  • Business taxation
  • Business Accounting
  • Financial Accounting
  • Management Accounting

Mrs. Tabrej M. Mulla

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Sc.(Electronics ), MBA

Experience: 9 Years.

Research publication till the date (in number): 5

Position held at level: Senior Supervisor (University) | Examiner  (University)

Workshop Attended:  3  (State) | 2 (National)

Conference Attended: 1 (National)

Seminar Attended:   3  (State) | 2 (National)

Paper Publishied:  5  (State)

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • Principle of Digital Electronics
  • Communication Principles

Mr. Kiran K. Mohite

Assistant Professor (Commerce)

Qualification: M.Com

Experience: 5 Months

Research publication till the date (in number): 0

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • Accounting
  • Work and Cost Accounting-III
  • Corporate Accounting


Mr. Mithun Sadashiv Shelke

Assistant Professor (Marathi)

Qualification: M.A, NET, SET, M. Phil

Experience: 3 Months

Research publication till the date (in number): 00

Position held at level: Examiner (University) | Junior Supervisor (University)

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • Marathi literature
  • Marathi

Workshop Attended: 1 (State) | 4 (National)

Seminar Paper Presented: 1 (State)

Paper Published: 1 (State)

Mr. Sagar S. Borate

Assistant Professor & HOD(Commerce)

Qualification: M.Com, NET, GDC&A, Ph.D.(Pursuing).

Experience: 7 Years & 6 Months

Research publication till the date (in number):

Position held at Level: College Examination Officer (University) | External Senior Supervisor (University)

Workshop Attended: 5 (State) | 8(University) | 2(International)

Conference Attended:  2 (International)

Paper Published:  4 (State) | 10(National) | 10(International)

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  1. Income Tax,
  2. Auditing,
  3. Cost &Works Accounting ,
  4. Financial  Accounting .


Mrs. Chaitrali Umesh Chavan

HOD (BBA), Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Sc(Comp. Sci),MBA(IT)

Experience: 6 Years.

Research publication till the date (in number) : 3

Position held at level: Examiner ( University ) | Senior Supervisor ( University )

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject:

  • Database
  • E-Commerce

Conference Attended: 1 (International)

Conference Paper Presented: 1 (International)

Paper Published: 2 (National) | 1 (International)

Mrs. Sakshi Ajit Chitare

Assistant Professor

Qualification: B.Ed., M.A.,  NET (English)

Experience: 3 Years.

Research publication till the date (in number): 2

Position held at level: Junior Supervisor ( University )

Skill set/ expertise – Name of area or subject :

  • English Literature

Seminar Attended: 2 (State)

Paper Published:  2 (State)